First of all with Yaqoob. His wife being away with their children, I was able to stay in his apartment so we plenty of time for talking and discussion which, on previous visits we had had to try to schedule in. He looked after me so very well. In three visits I have not had a single upset tummy! He is extremely faithful and, as we would say in the Uk, "a very safe pair of hands."
Sikandah was a nother young pastor who joined us for just about every session. He invited me to baptise some people at his church. Yaqoob eventually said it was probably better I didn't due to my situation as a foreigner visiting, but I think in retrospect I should have really! Next time..! A true friend and hard worker in Gods Kingdom.
Gulshan is the wife of a "out of work"pastor who lives in the Green Town area. She attended every day of the Bible conference, the Youth meeting, the Sunday service and three sessions of Bible studies in the second week. She really was a truly lovely lady with a beautiful meek and quiet spirit; an excellent mentor for the younger girls. She and her husband will be joining Yaqoob for prison ministry and outreach.
Shazzard and Shakila are two recently married young people from Green town who Yaqoob is considering having as full time staff. They can be supported for up to as little as £45.00 a month. She is a trained architect and he is an excellent worship leader. God willing they will support Yaqoob in the work in Green Town and beyond. he has already been a faithful prison visitor.
Six sisters who attended the Bible conference and Youth Meeting. very precious especially the eldest Shammiah second from left. One evening I had closed with song St Francis's Prayer "Lord make me an instrument of your peace."
At the end of the service she insisted I play it again so she could record it on her mobile phone. Then she came the next night having learned it all and offered to sing it with me! (By the way it is not Pakistani custom to smile in a photograph!)
This lady really helped Yaqoob with the layout and printing of our books. She now has set up a little computer training centre in Green Town...the first of its kind! We hope to put some of the leading members of the church through the course.
Yaqoob's nephew and niece, Shazzar and Umrah. I spent a lovely couple of hours with them in Multan. They were just so sweet and she is a great fan of Joyce Meyer which was quite interesting. I showed them pictures of South Africa from the blog and was just fun!
The three sisters! Hanna , Fozzia and Mary. They all attended every session. Keen to join outreach and prison teams and flood relief team. The latter in unlikely as in this conservative society their father would not permit them to spend a night away from home.
Yaqoobs brother (centre) heads up the Campus Crusade Operation in Multan. We visited on our way to flood relief and I was invited to speak at a small gathering of their staff.
Yaqoob's brother-in-law is the headmaster of primary school. We stayed the night with him prior to flood relief and he also asked me to adress the school. I told the story of Samuel hearing Gods voice in the night and advised them to listen to God, their parents and teachers and their brothers and sisters..(in that order oreferably!)
Final words: I have a second home. Wonderful sweet receptive people.
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