2013 Kick-Off
They were fascinated by the guitar!
We has made announcements in the classroom and the room filled up rapidly.....
.....until we were absolutely full to the brim
Our man Jeffrey........ a former student now doing an internship at a local church will join us for all out activities this year, meetings, outreach and excursions. Suicidal two years ago, he has developed into an amazing leader. Without any help he has organized about 50 kids in two groups each doing singing poetry drama and dance....
Go for it Jeoffrey!...sharing a message of "Don't give up!"
Afterwards we share a message about peace in the family; so many of them come from broken homes, no homes, no parents, no electricity...we encouraged them to become a part of God's family, the only one with a perfect parent!.
Phoebe shares Philippians 4:6 Have Zero worries, pray for everything, and the peace of God will guard your heart and mind!
Praying for the kids at the end of the meeting, anointing them oil to symbolize the Spirit and praying for a fullness of the Spirit in their lives and their homes
Snacks and drinks for all at the end..happy days!