We have been involved there since 2006 when Yaqoob Ilyas, a former immigration centre detainees,started a church, prison ministry and adult education classes.
There are three million Christians in Pakistan all facing varying degrees of hardship, discrimination and outright persecution. I assure you they are truly brothers and sisters and part of our Christian family. In their time of distress I can think of no place I wold rather be than with them, sharing the treasures of His love and His word.
I spent the first eight days in Green Town a Christian "colony", where Yaqoob has his church. We ran a three day Bible Conference, a youth meeting, a Sunday meeting and three days of Bible classes for his workers. I stayed with Yaqoob in his flat in Bahar Colony, however we never ate dinner at home and spent every night at different peoples houses praying together and enjoying their hospitality. By the end of the trip I honestly felt very at home and found it a little hard to leave. It was hard to leave a place where I could spend my whole time studying and teaching Gods word and being so well received by all there. It is now my second "home"!
Here is myself and Yaqoob at the the Bible Conference.
Our Students!
Somehow I manage to pray for two people at once! I have never prayed for so many people as during this visit to Pakistan. Its interesting that praying for others is rather like a muscle. The more you do it, the stronger you feel and the more confident you are that God is working through the prayers.
Yaqoob praying for all the young men who came forward.
Asiya, wearing brown, praying for the young women.
Dancing at the end of one of the meetings!
Yaqoob and I exhorting the people
Asiya pulling a funny face! She is a great help to Yaqoob, teaching the Adult Education Class, faithful prison visitor and organising church meetings!
Myself with Asiya, Shammah and Suleiman. We have seen a great change in this family since first coming to Pakistan. They are all actively involved in church and prison ministry.
Distributing our new book in Urdu."Obstacles are for Overcoming!" What a blessing and a lovely job by Yaqoob.
At the end of the Bible conference
More pictures and stories following!